Daily Archives: February 18, 2014

Good hypocrisy, bad hypocrisy.

I am always late. So much so, that I can’t even deny it! Can’t even play around the bush and say it’s the weather, or the traffic, or the stars! Mercury was retrograde, or some shit. I’m so constantly late I can’t even deny it like a normal person! But it’s not always my fault… I mean, how are you supposed to be at school at 8 sharp when studying sometimes keeps you awake till late in the morning?! Even if you go to sleep before midnight(which is… a struggle!… to say the least) you should be up by 6 or 7 which only leaves us with 6 or 7  hours of sleep, best case scenario… And then, you have all those make-believe scientists telling you should be sleeping for at least 8 hours every night!
Oh is that so Mr. Scientist? And how on earth am I supposed to do that? And them dumb teachers buy into that bullcrap as well!
“Sleep well kids, sleeping is good for you! Feeds your brain, stores memory blah blah blugh!” Such hypocrites! Punishing us for being late yet still pretending we should be getting enough sleep as well. And keep up. And be social. And have hobbies. In what magical time-stopping fairy land are they living anyways?! I want in!

Hypocrisy. Gets into my nerves. Can’t stand it. Some times it’s awfully obvious too! Like in the “night sleep paradox”. (It’ll catch on… “Night Sleep Paradox“. I like it!) They say it’ll be good for you if you slept more yet do anything in their power to prevent you from doing so. What’s the harm in starting school 1 hour later and leaving an hour later?! None. End of discussion!

To me, hypocrisy arises from our need to lie to ourselves. We want to believe we’re better people than we actually are. We [want to] believe we’re good Christians, yet we judge and steal and hate and kill and cheat and envy and…
We ask our kids to behave themselves when we can’t even control our road-rage. We preach about right and wrong and lecture other people and then go ahead and make the same mistakes.

Still, I wonder… is it so bad wanting to believe you’re a better human than you actually are? Would someone who truly realized and acknowledged what a disgusting, hateful, lying, vile person they can be, even get the strength to get out of bed?
Would they take it upon themselves to pursue love and invite another person to their mess? Is maybe introspection… overrated? Are we maybe supposed to overlook our own bads, faults, mistakes, flaws, in order to finally… survive? Survive yourself and survive the race for reproduction even? Is hypocrisy favored by natural selection? Is it an evolutionary trait that Homo s. possesses ?!(Pun intended)
Could there be, then, two kinds of hypocrisy?! A good kind of hypocrisy; the one that helps us survive, socialize, live with ourselves, sort “good” people through the crowd and finally feel good and get up and move on; and a bad kind, one that hurts others, affects them, harms them and messes with their lives? And what is the line between the two? Who can see the line and not cross it?!
Hey you. You who can see it… Where are you? I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Please. Show me the damned line.

Quote of the day: ” Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness” Martin Luther King Jr.

some john